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 What is a bloody lunar eclipse? And what are its effects on planet Earth and life on its surface, and is there a relationship between this phenomenon and the constellations, celestial bodies, and accidents, as many astronomers say, questions that come to mind after there has been much talk recently about the phenomenon of the bloody eclipse of the moon, and through this article will be from the website of the contents of the clarification of the most important Information related to this phenomenon?

What is a lunar eclipse?

The phenomenon of a lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is located between the sun and the moon, blocking the light of the sun from reaching the moon, which reflects these rays, as the moon falls in the shadow of the earth, it appears dark and has a black color, and its color gradually changes with the change in the position of the three planets from each other to become red in color. Dusk, which is known as a bloody eclipse, and the moon appears larger than its normal size as it is at the closest point to the Earth, and it can be seen with the naked eye in some regions of the world such as European regions on the morning of Monday the seventeenth of May 2022, while in America it can be seen On the evening of Sunday the sixteenth of May 2022, and since the appearance of the moon coincides with the spring flowers in the northern hemisphere, many countries called it the pink moon or the giant pink blood moon.

giant blood moon

Astronomers and many scholars and those interested in observing and analyzing astronomical phenomena are awaiting the appearance of the giant blood moon in the evening between the days of the limit and the sixth and seventeenth Monday of May 2022, as the world faces the first eclipse of this year, and according to the International Center for Astronomy in the United Arab Emirates, The blood moon will not appear in the Arabian Gulf or Yemen, the Levant and Iraq, but from western Saudi Arabia it is possible to notice a change in the brightness of the moon a few minutes before its setting, so the eclipse can be observed simply, but in Egypt and Sudan, people will be able to see the beginning of the eclipse and in both Algeria And Morocco can observe the complete eclipse.

The duration and photograph of the eclipse

SANA has confirmed that its Lucy spacecraft will photograph the phenomenon from a distance of 64 million miles, equivalent to 1-3 million kilometers, knowing that the Lucy spacecraft was launched last fall, and the duration of the eclipse is a long period of about five hours, extending between one and two Thirty minutes and fifty-six minutes in the morning according to Greenwich International Time, as for the period of the moon’s passage through the Earth’s shadow, it will take one hour and twenty-five minutes.

Bloody Eclipse May 16, 2022, NASA

NASA provided some information and exact times for the beginning of the eclipse, its stages, and its end date, and these dates are as follows:

  • At one and thirty-two minutes GMT, the moon begins to enter the semi-shadow of the Earth.
  • At twenty-two GMT, the change in the brightness of the moon can be seen.
  • At 2:28 GMT, the partial eclipse begins.
  • At three and twenty-nine minutes, the total eclipse begins.
  • The phenomenon reaches its climax at four and twelve in the morning, according to Greenwich.
  • The end of the total eclipse is at 4:54 am GMT.
  • At five and fifty-six hours, the partial eclipse ends.
  • At six fifty-one in the morning, the semi-shadow ends and the moon sets with the sunrise.

In conclusion, the meaning of the phenomenon of a bloody lunar eclipse was clarified and the most important information related to the duration and stages of the eclipse, as explained by NASA, and the areas that can see the eclipse in the Arab world and the world.
