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Why do the four seasons arise regularly?

 Why do the four seasons arise regularly? A question that may come to mind, is for the universe and what is in it and nature with all its components are subject to a precise system made by God Almighty and governed by special laws all made by the Great Creator, and for great wisdom, the globe does not live in one season, so it is summer throughout the year or winter throughout the year, so different The chapters and their succession are of great importance in the life of many plants, animals and even humans, and the most important information about this place will be clarified in this article from the contents of the site.

Why do the four seasons arise regularly?

The permanent and continuous rotation of the Earth around the sun is the reason for the four seasons to alternate regularly on every spot on the surface of the globe. The regions in the globe that are close to the sun during the rotation have summer, while those farthest from the sun have winter. As the rotation continues, the region that was far from the sun will become near and its lobe will become summer, and that region that was close to the sun will become at the far side from the sun and its season is winter.

What are the four seasons?

The four seasons are, in order, summer, autumn, winter, and spring, and these seasons and seasons alternate regularly. In the northern hemisphere, several winters begin in December with what is known as the autumn-winter solstice, where the days are short and the nights are longer, so that the vernal equinox occurs on the eleventh The twenty-first of March when the length of the night and day are equal, and the spring season begins, when the temperature equinox is often, and at the end of June, the spring-summer solstice occurs on the twenty-first of June, when the summer begins in the northern hemisphere, and in summer the day is more The length of the night and the summer continues until the twenty-first of September when the autumn summer solstice occurs to begin the autumn season.

The reason for the occurrence of the four seasons

Many wonder about the secret behind the occurrence of the phenomenon of the succession of the four seasons of winter, spring, summer, and autumn, and the fact that the presence of a tilt in the earth’s axis and its rotation around the sun causes the succession of seasons in all regions of the earth, knowing that one revolution around the sun takes a whole year, which is exactly 365 days Accordingly, the Gregorian calendar and New Year’s Eve were determined, which represented the end of a year and the beginning of a year or the end of one revolution around the sun and the beginning of another.

Do the four seasons occur in all regions of the earth?

The flat shape of the land makes some regions not distinguished by four clear seasons. The regions near the equator are characterized by a hot climate throughout the year and in some regions, it can be observed that there are two seasons, one of which is hot and dry and the other is hot and rainy, where the rainy season is short, not exceeding three months. The polar regions witness the occurrence of only two seasons, either a cold and harsh winter and which the sun does not rise most of its days or very hot summer in which the sun remains shining without setting.

When do the four seasons occur in the northern hemisphere?

Here are the start and end dates for each season in the Northern Hemisphere:

winter season

Winter begins in the northern hemisphere on the twenty-first of December, when it has the shortest day and longest night of the year, and the winter season, which extends until the twenty-first of March, when the vernal equinox occurs, and the length of both nights and days are equal, and the beginning of spring.

spring season

On the twenty-first of March, what is known as the winter-spring solstice occurs, where the length of day and night is equal, announcing the end of winter and the beginning of spring, which is usually warmer and has a mild climate, despite the occurrence of rain in some cases, and after the spring solstice, the day begins to lengthen Little by little it becomes longer than the night and the spring-summer solstice occurs.

summer season

The summer season begins on the day of the spring-summer solstice on the twenty-first of June, which is the day when the day is the longest day of the year and the shortest night of the year. Summer The day begins short and the night is long until the summer-autumn equinox occurs, where the night is equal to the day in length.


Autumn begins on the twenty-first of September, when the summer-autumn equinox occurs, in which the length of both the night and the day are equal so that some of the days begin to recede and the night begins to lengthen, so the night becomes gradually longer than the day until reaching the twenty-first of December, when the autumn solstice Winter, the first day of winter, the longest night and the shortest day.

The importance of the succession of the four seasons

God has wisdom in everything. If there were not four seasons in the year, many living species would become extinct and die. Many plants do not grow and mature only during certain seasons. The same is true for animals, as many of them hide in the ground until some cold seasons pass, for example, reptiles, insects, and birds. They always migrate with the approach of winter and return at the beginning of summer, and if life on earth is always one season, the lives of many living creatures will be affected.

In conclusion, it was clarified why the four seasons arise regularly, what are the start and end dates for each of the four seasons, and the importance of the process of succession of seasons and seasons in maintaining the life of many living species.
